Endoanal Ultrasound
This involves taking ultrasound pictures of the muscles around your back passage.
This test is frequently recommended to investigate patients who are complaining of faecal incontinence, rectal proplase, constipation or symptoms of obstructed defaecation.

Do I need any preparation before-hand?
These are quick and simple tests. They are painless and do not require any sedation or anaesthetic. You do not need to take any laxatives before these tests.

What does the test involve?
You will be asked to lie on an examination couch on your left side with your knees bent.
The ultrasound probe is about the same size as a finger and is inserted into the anus. This is not a painful test. Pictures can be taken which can show muscle damage or thinning. Ultrasound scans are also used to look for abscesses and fistulae. The latest equipment allows us to create three-dimensional images of the anal muscles.
The endoanal ultrasound scan is often carried out at the same time as anorectal physiological tests.

What happens afterwards?
The whole testing procedure including the scan takes around 30 minutes. You will be able to go home straight afterwards and you can continue with all normal activities.
The physiologist will analyse the results and a full report will be sent to your consultant.