MRI - Pelvic Floor
MRI has very high contrast resolution, which means that it can see a variety of structures within the pelvis related to the pelvic floor. This is specifically due to the fact that MRI can image in a number of different planes (angles) and be performed in the resting and straining states.
This is a relatively new technique that Birmingham Bowel Clinic is utilising to assess the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a complicated part of the body made up of a number of interlacing muscles and ligaments that hold everything within the bony pelvis. Commonly these structures can be damaged by childbirth and present immediately or much later in life. The MRI can help the diagnosis and plan treatments.

Is there any preparation needed beforehand?
No preparation is required for the MRI pelvic floor.

What does an MRI scan involve?
You will be asked to remove some of your clothes and wear a hospital gown. You will be asked a series of questions to ensure that it is safe for you to have the examination and you will need to remove anything metal. The Radiology staff will take you to the MRI machine which is a little like a tunnel. The MRI is very noisy and you will be given earmuffs. You can bring a CD to listen to if you would like. The examination takes about 40 minutes.